Thursday, November 12, 2009

Native Iban's Tattoos

Black And White Floral Tattoo Design.This design combination of floral and Iban's tattoo art by refreshing of artistic touch for element of native tribal tattoos.The flower of in the middle bring the meaning of beauty and elegant.Spiral and wave like behind the flower include the black side of this design is doesnt mean for anything.This tattoo suitable for women on lower back for tattooing.See more design on the next post.

Sunday, November 1, 2009

Iban's Fresh Native Tribal Tattoos Designs

This designs is created by me(Terksvin),thats combining Iban's tribal arts and reconstruct from new style of modern tattoo arts concept. For now i didnt put a name for this tattoos design actually and i think its depend on who are tattoing.If you want this tattoo on your body please comment in below this post, after that email me at This tattoos design is copyright by terksvin.Any unauthorised modification, tattooing with any methods on skin are not allowed except with permission from me.

Monday, October 12, 2009

Native Tribal Tattoos Designs

This is the new design of tattoo by International Tattoo Artist Robert's Mayau Collection around 2008-2009.Every aspect of his tattoo art exploring the style of Iban's tribe culture.Nowadays, Robert using the great techniques to modernized his tattoo designs in variety ways. Native tribal design of Ibans tattoos famous among visitor who came to his studio. This tattoos design pricing estimately RM500-RM1000 not colored include and depend on size or tattoo designs. There are no risk to spend a lot of money in Robert's Mayau native tribal tattoos design. More info about native tribal on the next post upcoming.

Friday, October 2, 2009

Introduction to Borneo Tribal Tattoo Artist

Robert Mayau is the most popular Iban’s international tattoo artist, formerly known not only by the local people but all entire of Sarawak region include international level with his talent of tattooing. He became famous because of his native tribal tattoos design and new breath inside of his art philosophy. Robert’s is the founder and owner of the Native and Western Tribal Tattoos Studio located in Kapit,the third region in Sarawak,Malaysia. This talented man started his own studio in years 1978 by himself with great perspective exposing the original of Iban heritage culture. In his philosophy, Robert’s states every people can be identify from their culture, how they exploit the culture to life and promote their culture to other ethnic. Through his talent and philosophy, Robert Mayau take himself diving deep into the ocean of the rich heritage tradition by develops the art of Iban’s tattoos design. With his modern tattooing kits and tools, Robert’s make a great way through his struggle tattooing people, promoting his talent and design until became famous artist. The design of his native tribal tattoos also play role for him to step up to the international tattoo artist.Thats the sweet achievements in Robert entire life after years became tattoo artist. Every years international tattoo convensyen will be held and Robert Mayau never miss to participate. See more on the next post.

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Most Known Tribal Tattoos - Know Your Tribal Tattoos

When we talk about tribal tattoos, the types of tattoos that you would see are those abstract designs that would closely resemble a specific animal or object and artistically drawn into the skin to make it either menacing or awe inspiring. There are also tribal tattoos that would look like random swirls or curves in the body that does not have any meaning but in truth, the design would mean different things based on the tribe that they have derived it from.

Tribal tattoos are based on the different indigenous tribes from different countries mostly originated from the natives of America, Europe and Australia. The design for the tribal tattoos have different meaning that would be based on the belief of a specific tribe. During those days, a tattoo would be unique to one man, since the meaning of the tattoo would depend upon the bearer.

Some of the famous tribal tattoos are: Native American, Polynesian, Maori and Hawaiian. Each tribal tattoo design has a different meaning since it came from various cultures around the world.

Native American tribal tattoo designs are based on cultural ideas and expressions. Most of the time, tattoos were given during different rites of passage and blessings. These were given to warriors of the tribe that would protect them while they hunt or prepare for war. Some of the tattoo designs also give you a particular status symbol in the tribe. The Mayans and the Aztecs tribal tattoo are the most common tattoo design in this category.

Polynesian tribal tattoo designs are based on the traditions of a particular tribe. It has deeper roots as it tackles religious values, legends, and mythologies. The design usually centers on particular tribe rituals that are based on their particular religious beliefs and superstitions. Special tattoo designs were given to warriors who have pleased their ancestors. These warriors were also given special status symbols in their tribes because of it.

Maori tribal tattoo designs are mostly done as a part of a celebratory ritual to the tribe. Tattoos were given to tribesmen in different events that unfold in their lives. Some of these tattoos were placed during specific rites of passage for warriors of the tribe whenever they show strength and courage in particular events. Other times, these tattoos were given to the individual that has shown a particular unique trait that he or she can use for the benefit of the tribe, giving him or her a special status within the tribe.

Lastly, the Hawaiian tribal tattoo designs were given to tribesmen as a sign of their identity within the tribe. These tattoos were usually given to members of the tribe after they were given their rite of passage. Tattoos were also given to a tribesman as protection from evil spirits. They put it in specific parts of their bodies so as to be protected properly from the wrath of spirits who seek out trouble within the tribe or a particular family.

Based on the above descriptions, all tribal tattoos have special meaning before any member of the tribe would place it in their bodies. So, before adopting a particular tribal tattoo, make sure to find out the meaning of it.

For tips on tattoos and reviews on tattoo galleries visit:

Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Original Native Tattoos

This type of tattoo is sign of originality borneo native people call 'Dayak'.Design of these tattoos uniquely using different method than today technology of tattoo machines.

Tattoo owner name: Badang
Race:Iban(Sea Dayak)
Location of tattoo made:Nanga Usun,Balleh

This tattoos design of art is copyright by and plagiarism is not allowed.


Tuesday, September 8, 2009


Native Tribal Tattoos is the popular tattoo design in Borneo island since centuries until nowadays.The design of these tattoos are part of the art native culture and abstractive meaning.Every design of tattoos have their own story to tell about.Along time ago,the tattoo design make based on flora and fauna that surrounding the natives such as animas,flowers and etc.History of these tatto explains what the native have done before and after.For today tattoos is just for attractive thing to view and some of life style culture.Tattoos sometime false impression as gang symbol but exactly it is not symbol for who are gangter tribe.Native tribal tattoo is part of art culture from generation to the next generation.See more native tribal tattoos in the next post.